
Principal's Message

Dear Parents thank you for trusting our institution and entrusting your children to our care. The mission statement of our institution states likewise “Our Mission is to prepare our “AGNELITES” Boys and Girls to scale great heights in academics, moral standards, and Life Skills for a future that belongs to the Learned”. Over the years we have kept the good reputation of our institution with the help of our Teachers, Non- Non-teaching staff, Parents, and our loving students. From this year we would like to venture into more skilful training and make our students all-rounders in all the fields of the curriculum.

Fr. Agnel Co-Ed Senior Secondary School, Management, Staff, and students would like to work like a family to enhance the growth of the school. The “AGNELITE” family is at your disposal to train your children in the right manner to make them face future challenges and become brilliant citizens of the country. 

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”  - Nelson Mandela 

Education is the manifestation of Love which drives away ignorance and through illumination, it emboldens a man to a righteous thought and action. Every person who is educated will contribute to the society’s growth. Our Educational Institution firmly believes the words of Nelson Mandela “Education is the weapon which brings about change in the world”. The change we are striving for will nurture our students to grow in their wisdom, understanding, physical health, and intellectual stability. 

Our institution will focus on the overall Discipline of the student, and help him or her to participate in all the activities held in the school. We would like to give a chance for all the students according to their talents and also train them to be all-rounder in every field. 

I request all the parents to go through the guidelines and rules of the institution and closely connect to the management and teachers for any support.  

Lastly, I would like to thank all the parents, teachers, and students for your support and dedicated work, and also wish you an enriching experience in Fr. Agnel Co-Ed. Sr. Sec. School. 

All the best and may God bless you. 

Fr. Manohar Kata S.F.X